Monday, July 18, 2005

Here I am

Here I am making my first post. What fun. I'm tired and probably should be doing something constructive with my time. There are still a few tiles to be layed in the kitchen and I haven't had dinner yet. I can't wait for the kitchen to finally be done. I mean I started it almost 3 years ago. Maybe I'm lazy, but I think it's the over achiever in me that is afraid of failing. If I can't do something "right", I don't want to do it at all. I hate to start something that I don't know if I can finish. I went into the kitchen remodel expecting it to take maybe one weekend. Some 50 hours of sanding later i knew that was wrong. It became an overwhelming burden for over 2.5 years. I set myself free when I decided to paint those losely cabinets. the counters are taking far longer than I expected too, but I at least feel like I'm making progress.


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