Thursday, June 15, 2006

ABout time... an update

-Memorial Day weekend Marty & I painted the guest bedroom, dolphin fin grey. It's simple, but we didn't want to offend our guest's eyes. I will be making eggplant purple curtains. We also took up the hidious carpet which revealed the most beautiful hardwood floor, I've seen. They used a special tape to hold i tdown, so there was no damage to the floor. Yippee, no sanding!!! We moved the bed, so there is a scrapbooking area in there for me and we will be moving the treadmill up there once we get an LCD TV. We have to figure out how big of one we will need.

-Starting the following Thursday evening through Saturday the company I work for personalized shirts at the state track meet. On top of working Tuesday and Wednesday more then my normal 8 hours, I put in 40 hours down there. I was tired and then only had a one day weekend. I wish MD was after the meet, not before.

-Last weekend we stayed home and rested. I slept a ton, even more than normal. I napped both days for about 3 hours as well.

-Work has been very busy for 3+ weeks now. Jean, our lady that does about everything (excpet my job of coarse) is gone from yesterday through tomorrow. So things are extra hellish. Yesterday I actually got into a shotting match with a customer. We do their contract printing from the other side of the state. Their customer sent in some art in the right format so all I had to do was print it. When I get art that I don't have to touch, I never send a proof and this ladies' boss (the owner over there) has told me there is no reason to. So yesterday I get this call from her asking who I sent the proof to and I said I didn't know. So she said well we didn't get one and I told her I don't for art like this and she went on about how I redo art and always sent it and I said I didn't redo this art.... Well their customer had mispelled something and that part of all 250 shirts was already printed. So finally she was yelling at me, blaming me and I was so pissed I couldn't speak. Finally I gave her to the owner here. After I calmed down a bit I remembered I had spoken to her boss on this particular order and asked if they needed a proof and he said no. Well so we are paying to redo these shirts including overnight shipping them in, because their customer can't spell. I couldn't even have spell checked the art because the words were in outlines which can't be checked. THe topper is I was still pissed about it and talking to a co-worker and my boss said that I screwed up, which pissed me off even more. So from now with this customer when I get art in the right format I'm going to turn around and email them back their exact file and ask them to check it for mistakes. Does anyone else see how moronic this concept is?!?!?!


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