Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Good News for me, Bad news for Gwyn

So a couple monthes ago my ipod mini battery completey died after less than a year. Luckily, I had gotten a replacement plan at Best Buy (the sales man told us that ipod batteries don't last so a plan was definately worth the money), but I couldn't find the paperwork. Monday night I looked in my filing cabinet and there it was, what a strange place to keep it hu? So yesterday, which was my birthday ehem to those who missed it, I went to BB after work and told the lady about what was going on, and that is was complicated because they don't make the mini anymore. After a few minutes of talking to someone she came back to tell me that I was getting a credit for the full amount paid for it! Yippeee!!! ALso I had just gotten a nice birthday check from my in-laws a couple days earlier. So over to the MP3 players and I went and picked out my very own ipod video!!! I still had to pay some on it, but not as much and I got the plan for this one too. This is bad news for Gwyn who wanted to buy my mini, but you wouldn't have wanted to pay to replace the battery plus buy it from me. Marty said he'd sell you his when he is done with it, which he is waiting for the next generation of ipod video with a bigger screen. And no we won't playing whoever finds the ipod first gets it.


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