Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Cranky Geek

No this isn't about the podcast Cranky Geeks although I do enjoy that one. I'm cranky. Why? You ask. Well customers are driving me crazy. It's one of those times when everyone wants a rush job, doesn't want to pay the rush charge, doesn't have the proper artwork and doesn't want to pay artwork charges. This means that not only does the art have to get done right away, but it also means I have to trace the mother loving art. I've gotten so many jpgs and, god forbid, bmp files made in wonderful programs like MS Paint and saved at 72 DPI at like 5 inches square that they want to look good big on their shirts! Now if you aren't a geek and more specifically an imaging geek, you're probably going, "What?" Trust me it looks terrible and is nearly impossible to get anything looking decent from it. Well then they don't understand why they're being charged $25/hr for me to get something that looks good for their shirts when the going rate is $75/hr. So you add all this with the fact that 2 of the 4 people that are normally here during the day aren't today, well it makes things stressfull and me cranky.


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