Tuesday, November 07, 2006

"Voters approve ban on gay marriage"

I find myself deeply saddened tonight. I've always thought of Wisconsin as a state of good, tolerate or even accepting people but tonight they have failed me. While 61.4% isn't an overwhelming majority the shear fact that it's above 10% is alarming to me. It never ceases to amaze me how afraid people are of things or people they don't understand. Some people say they don't have a problem with gay people having equal rights under the law, they just don't want it called marriage, well they just help get Civil Unions Banned as well. I feel future generations will look at these bans and other intolerance towards gays the way most people today look at the way this country used to treat African Americans, as unthinkable. I guess I thought we had made strides in this country since the 80s and 90s but I guess not enough. Can someone find me a state with more love in their hearts so I can move there? I feel disheartened so I'll leave it at this, don't fear people that are different than you accept them, learn from them, and celebrate diversity.


At 12:42 PM, Blogger Rhexy said...

Well said Rachel!

I felt alot like you did about my home state of Michigan...don't move here.

At 9:19 PM, Blogger Donut said...

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At 9:19 PM, Blogger Donut said...

So you compared black people to gay people? Niiiiiice.


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