Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Old Friends

Old friends have been on my mind lately with planning the wedding and who to invite and who will actually come. When I'm speaking of old friends I'm talking about the ones that you lose touch with. The ones that nothing happened that made us stop talking. In some ways it would be easier if something had happened because then one person can chose to appologize or forgive but when nothing happened except time, it makes it harder. There are some of these friends that you see again and they aren't afraid that you are going to not want to talk to them. It's easy to get things going again because as the recipient you figure they really are happy to see you and really was just time, distance and everyday life stuff that got in the way. But if neither person knows what happened or they are both fearful that the other doesn't want to know them again, what do you do? You can't just say, "What's new?" because everything is new. You go along everyday living your life and you realize one day that you don't even know the other person any more. It was never your intention, but you wonder if it was their's. Things are strange when you see them because you don't know if they feel the same desire to get to know them again or if they are happier without you in their life.

You wonder if the other person knows the true intent behind you contacting them or if they just think you want something. Like inviting them to the wedding if they think you just want a gift. I can say in my case that is not fact. We only invited people to the wedding that we really wanted there, whether they are currently strong forces in our lives or someone we want to be strong forces. With some people I just not know how to make it not strange anymore...any ideas?


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