Monday, October 03, 2005

A Nice Weekend

So I had a nice weekend. Marty and I spent our first weekend together since we've been married (which is a month today). I'm glad this isn't the way it normally goes, I love spending time just with him, not having to drive anywhere or having any visitors, not that I mind such things upon occasion, but it's been so long...several monthes in fact. So there was lots of relaxing and snuggling, one of my favorites. We watched 4 movies; Elektra, Alexander, The DiVanci Code Decoded (documentary) and The Aviator. The last two were good and I really like The Aviator. I learned a lot. I never knew much about Howard Hughes, except the strange stuff from the end of his life. So sad. I'm so happy there are great drugs to help with OCD now days.

I've also become very interested in the Jung Personality type test that is a couple posts back. It's very interesting how answering 72 questions can so accurately describe a person's personality. Being my personality type I think I should make a hand out to give to people when I first meet them so they have some kind of chance of understanding me, without having to spend 10 years trying to figure out my complex personality. I was not surprised to see how closely Marty and Gwyn's personality percents matched. I've always said they were very similar, that's why they get along so well. I am the most introverted memeber of my family. Shocking actually. My brother is tied with my dad at 44% and my mom is a close second at 68% and I'm 78%. 78, that's crazy, I never would have thought that, but as the description says, I have a rich inner life, maybe that's why I don't notice the lack of interactions with others, or maybe it's that I'm content to interact with a handful of people rather than lots. I've never cared about being popular, I'd rather have a few really good friends than a ton of moderately close relationships. Anyway, lunch time is done, back to work.


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