Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Well I never got around to talking about my "fun" Friday evening. Friday was a rough day because so many people still hadn't RSVPed on the last day. I was on the verge of a panic attack all day so I decided when I got home it would be a good time to try out the Vallium. My doctor said I could take 5-10 mg if I wanted. Being someone who caffiene is the strongst drug I use, I decided to try 2.5 mg to see how it worked. About an hour after I took it, not only had all my anxiety melted away, but I felt well, the way to describe it is high. Now I have no frame of reference for what that feels like, but I would imagine that would be how it would. I liked the lack of anxiety, but I'm not one to want to feel out of it. I was very all over the place too. I would start one thing and two seconds later be starting something else. My mom told me I seemed drunk. That is not how I want to be on the day of the wedding. I am going to try 1.25 mg between now and the wedding to see how that affects me. If it's the same I'm going to forego anything unless I'm hyper ventilating. Feeling like that is just out of the question. It seemed to slow down my brain, which is good, it was just too much. My doc said I could up the Paxil one more time, so I am going to try that instead, since that normalizes me verses stoning me


At 12:42 PM, Blogger Shibby said...

Wow, you should let me try some of that!


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