Monday, October 17, 2005


I got my wedding proofs Friday night! I must say they are great! I'm thuroly (wow I can't spell) impressed. My only complaint is that there weren't more. 256 would be enough for a normal person, but this is me we're talking about. So my grand total until I get somemore from the people that had film cameras is 1750. I could practically make a flip book here people. I had a happy surprise too. She doesn't print the proofs anymore (she had a second child and just doesn't have the time) and the place that does the printing accidentally made doubles. Yippee for happy accidents!!! They did make one other mistake however that I'm not please about. My photographer asked me if I'd like to have them scan the negatives for about $100 for all of them. I decided to go for it. Her services were comparitively cheap and it would save me a lot of time and I would have them on the computer right away. Since the negatives are mine to keep, why not. I popped the CD in my computer when I got home and looked through them. I noticed there were some from the album that weren't on there so I counted how many there should be, 256, but the disk had 129. So I have an email into my photographer to have her get them to fix it stat. I'm sure she will, it just put a little tarnish on an otherwise spectacular day and experience. Now we have to figure out what 10-15 we want black and white prints of and what 5 8"x10" we want that came with the package. Decisions, decisions...

On another note, today is one year to the day that I caught pneumonia. I remember because it's the day after my dad's birthday. Well guess what, I have the beginnings of a cold. Everyone around me is sick so it's not surprising. I have to try to stay well until Wednesday because I'm supposed to get my flu and pneumonia shots and they won't give them to me if I'm sick. It's frustraing because they wouldn't give them to me any earlier and I get sick SO easily. The thing that was frustraing last year is I kept getting sick over and over again, so I was never able to get a flu shot, which actually helps keep me from getting as many colds as well. If I can't get one this year and the same thing happens I just don't know what I am going to do. I'm taking Echinacea like crazy, so keep your fingers crossed for me.


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