Friday, December 09, 2005

Missing 1 Christmas Spirit

I'm hoping someone can help me, I seem to have misplaced my Christmas spirit this year. It's very strange for me because I'm normally annoyingly cheerful around Christmas time. I haven't even put my tree up yet and I don't really have the desire to either. I'm going to make myself this weekend and hope it will jump start things. I have all my shopping done, super early for me too, so maybe that's bumming me out, no anxiety about if I can find the perfect gift. I've also had a stressful work week, so perhaps I'm out of sorts as a result. I've been making a list of my favorite Christmas songs and I'm going to do some shopping on itunes to make my perfect Christmas CDs this weekend. Hopefully that will help. I've been listening to interent radio and I can't get into the really good Holiday station, so I'm stuck with O.K. Christmas music, so maybe that's why my Christmas Spirit is missing. Here's hoping I can find it...


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