Friday, October 21, 2005

Well, here I am again...

Well, here I am again. Tired as usual. I'm so happy it's Friday and I'm not doing anything this weekend besides sleeping in way late both day. I stayed up too late every night this week. Various distractions kept me from sleep. I don't feel very well today either, but that could just be being really run down and some allergies or a mild cold. The doctor's office ended up calling me and I was able to get both my shots. They had to do one in each arm. They are still swore to the touch from Wednesday, but the pain just sitting here is gone. The best part is I won't need a pneumonia shot for 10 years!

I think I'm going to switch my on line photo processing place. The place I've been going through for about 2 years has just switched to using Fuji paper. I understand them doing that to make it possible to have such low prices, but to sacrifice that much quality just isn't worth it to me. I've never been a fan of Fuji paper and that's why I won't ever get prints made from a certain retailer that uses it. The colors just aren't as rich as they are on Kodak paper. I'm looking at the Kodak gallery. They are linked to Adobe Photoshop album which is not only convinent, but also speaks very highly of them. I'll have to try them out and see what I think. I just wish I hadn't ordered so many from the other place. They look fine, just not great. The black and white are almost sepia tone. Such things don't bother most people, but I spend hours color correcting my images and I want them to look good.

I have failed miseribly at my goals for last week. The cleaning ones that is. I did pick up a little in each room, buT they aren't really clean. My problem with cleaning the office is as soon as I sit down at the computer I get sucked into photo editing. I just need to buckle down and do it. My other project for the weekend is to plant the fall bulbs I got at Cosco last weekend. I just hope it isn't too cold.


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